Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Very Special Belated Happy Birthday

Hello WORLD!!! Smokke here. I'm bogus as hell, WORLD. I changed my Facebook profile pic to this dude right here & didn't even acknowledge why. This man is Anthony Edward Hardy & yesterday he would have made 63 years old. He died January 8th of 2008 but still I gotta wish him a Happy Birthday, whereever he is. Happy Birthday, Pops. Know that you're missed.

Anthony Edward Hardy 11/29/48 - 01/07/08

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Let's Say 9AM Cause Im Regular

IHello, WORLD!! Smokkee here, of course. I would be here a lot more often but life gets in the way. Gotta eat. Gotta make sure my kids got what they need. Gotta have money to do anything so I gotta go get it, point blank. When my writing takes off I might not have to work as hard anymore but I doubt I'll slouch off. That's not what I do. Plus I like my job doing customer service for a messenger company. It's the little things that can make you smile that make up for the brutality of the job, like most jobs. Yesterday, my smile moment turned into a LMAO moment. I took a call from this much older  guy placing a pick up going to a lab. He had ta be about 65-80 years old but still had his wits about him, dig.  Anyway, he wasn't a regular client so he wasn't familiar with placing the order. He wanted his package, which he kept calling a sample, picked up the next morning. Cool, we can do that. So my next question has to be what time is the package gonna be ready. That's when he guestimated sometime between 8-10am. Usually that annoys the fuck outta me but this old man had me chuckling the whole time. I gently told him I needed him to be more specific. He says "I wish I knew exactly when I'll produce my spool but I'm regular so it should be early." It took me about two minutes to stop laughing & maybe one whole minute to catch my breath after that case of TMI. He took my laughing loud as fuck in his ear in stride. Honestly, I'd think the whole thing was a joke if I didn't know any better. But as soon as I finished his order I got the rest of the laughter outta my system for another 5 minutes.Well that's it that's all for now, WORLD, but that was damn sho enough.