Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F Is for Falling Behind

Hello, WORLD! Smokkee here again. When I first started this A to Z challenge, I thought it would be easy. No problemo, I thought. Should be a cinch, I thought. Piece of cake, I thought.

Now I know better.

The freedom to post whatever I wanted to in the first place is why I love blog. Being assigned something to post restricts me somewhat like how a story idea I have sometimes sticks me when I can't figure out how I want to end it. In this manner, blogging is exactly like writing fiction; while I still have all kinds of writing freedom I still feel weighed down by it.

I guess this is my excuse for falling behind in this challenge. This F post puts me back on pace and my G post is almost writing itself since my G post is still the one that I knew I'd write when I first heard about this challenge. But don't get it twisted: I can almost guarantee that I'm going to follow behind again.

How do I know this? Because it's what I do. I'm still working on my first book which I wanted to release in 2013. What year is it now? I'm also pacing myself to read 50 books in the year 2015. According to my Good Reads  feed, I'm currently 9 books behind schedule with that.

There's other examples to but why go on with those. Yall get the point. I'm not lazy but I got far too mean interest and I get distracted far too easy to not mention this to yall. I'm gone finish, no doubt there. It's just gonna take me little longer . They say slow and steady wins the race anyway. Just look at it like how I look at it: I might not be where I'm supposed to be yet but I'm still on my way; I'm just taking the scenic route and enjoying the view.

Later WORLD.

Smokkee Singleton

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