Monday, April 20, 2015

L is for Lists (#AtoZChallenge)

Hello, WORLD!!! Smokkee here, running behind as usual. Of course you knew that already. My motto is I wouldn't be running at all if I wasn't running behind. Six days of post behind, specifically, in this A to Z blogging challenge. This post was supposed to be posted last Tuesday.

Oh, well. Cest la vie.

Anyway, this post is about something that most of us are preoccupied with: lists. And please don't say we're not preoccupied with lists. Ask anybody "What is your favorite movie?" or "What's your favorite book?", "What's your favorite place to go on vacation?" or any kind of question along this lines.  Any of these questions should get you a singular answer but watch how many come back with at least 5 or 10 answers total.

Besides, who doesn't like a good list? Who doesn't have a list of their own of some sorts? Isn't that the reason why sites like Short List, Listverse, Ranker, What Coulture, etc, are so popular now? You've heard of Craigslist. You've probably been on Craigslist at least once today already. One of my own most popular blogs is my Smokkee's WORLD 101 blog, a blog that I started a few years back that lists 101 goals I set for myself (and it's long overdue for an update which I'll be working on in the next few months or so). Also, one of my Pinterest boards is "Dig This List" which is nothing but links to some of my personal favorite lists that I've ran across on the Internet.  
Hell, most of my blog posts for this A to Z Challenge are comprised of lists.

Speaking of which, here go five lists that got me preoccupied right now:

Top 100 Personal Deverlopment Blogs for 2015:

One of my favorite blogs,, made this list.
Why am I preoccupied with this list? Because none of my blogs are on it, lbvs. Who wouldn't like to be listed with the best people in their fields? Besides that reason, another equally obvious reason is to see exactly how my blogs differ from the ones listed here so that maybe, just maybe, I'll make enough improvemnts to my own blogs and one of mine is eventually (fingers crossed) listed on here. 

I never heard nor tried Frito Pie but it's now on my to-do lists.
100 Food to Try Before You Die  (on List Challenges):

I got to thank my friend Cyndi for this one and for introducing me to List Challenges' website in the first place. What I like about this site is that it doesn't just offer a regular list but it's a checklist as  well. I checked off all the items I've tried already on this list and I found it ironic that at 40, I've only tried 40 of these items.While some entries on this list, like eel and crickets, I'm more than sure I'll never try, some of these entries sound so good I'm sure they will be sampled sometime in the near future.


Best Movies of All Time:

For movies, I usually stick to iMDB's top 250 list but Ranker has a pretty good list themselves right here. Then there's the Granddaddy of all movie lists, American Film Intitute's 100 Greatest American Movies Of All Time. In fact, AFI has ton's of great list related to movies. My current favorite movie list right now isn't one of AFIs. I'm currently hung up on this list of the best horror movies of the aughts from Slant. Some of my favorites are on here but I'm 10 movies behind this list.

Best Books:

OK, almost every reader has come across a list like 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die  (there's also a checklist for this list here on List Challenges) or probably has at least heard of it. I'm also always checking for books whose endings I'd never see coming (so that I can read them and try my best to see the ending coming) so I check pages like this one on Reddit (another site full of lists) or this list from Publisher's Weekly pretty often.

And lastly...

#14 is best represented with a handful of rice shaped like a heart. 
Self improvement is something that I'm always interested in since I always want to improve myself. Currently, I'm loving this list posted by titled 14 Totally Free Things On The Internet Everyone Should Be Taking Advantage Of. Of everything on this list, I really like #s 1, 4, 8 (of course), and 9 (of course) and an extra special shout out for #14, which is pure genius if you ask me and IF it does exactly what it says it does.What is it? Check it out for yourself.

That's it for now, WORLD! Actually, no it's not. I still got another 5 posts to go before I'm offically caught up. I guess I got more lists to make.

Later, WORLD.
Smokkee Singleton

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